Choosing a Forsyth Barr Financial Advice Service

This page contains information to help you decide if our financial advice services meet your needs.

We are a licenced Financial Advice Provider

Forsyth Barr Limited (“Forsyth Barr”) holds a licence issued by the Financial Markets Authority (“FMA”) to provide financial advice services.  

As a financial advice provider, Forsyth Barr, our Investment Advisers, and anyone else giving advice on our behalf are bound by duties to:

  • exercise care, diligence, and skill,
  • give priority to the client’s interests, and
  • when dealing with retail clients, comply with the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services, which includes standards relating to competence, knowledge, skill, ethical behaviour, conduct, and client care (you can find out more about the Code at


How to contact us 

You can contact us by phone on 0800 367 227. You will be connected to your nearest Forsyth Barr office. They’ll be able to help with any questions you may have, and connect you to an Investment Adviser. To view contact information for your nearest branch or Investment Adviser, click the button below.

Financial advice in our investment services

We provide a range of investment services which vary in terms of the range of financial products available or considered, and the nature of the financial advice provided.

Investment Services

Premium Advisory Service

Type of advice provided

  • Financial advice based on both our assessment of the securities involved, as well as our assessment as to their suitability for you as an investor.  We undertake ongoing monitoring of your portfolio and provide you with advice accordingly.
  • Access to Forsyth Barr and third party research reports.

Products covered by advice

  • Shares, fixed interest investments, and managed funds where we have access to information that provides us with a reasonable basis for giving advice. Our advice under this service is not limited to financial products issued by particular issuers or product providers.
  • Forsyth Barr and third party research reports cover selected listed securities.

Private Portfolio Management

Type of advice provided

  • This service is a discretionary investment management service in which we manage a portfolio of investments for you.  The advice we provide you is about entering into the Forsyth Barr Private Portfolio Management service and the parameters of the investment mandate within that service.
  • Access to Forsyth Barr and third party research reports.

Products covered by advice

  • We only provide advice on and in relation to the Forsyth Barr Private Portfolio Management service, which is provided by Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited.
  • Forsyth Barr and third party research reports cover selected listed securities.

Navigator Service

Type of Advice Provided

  • This service is a discretionary investment management service in which we manage a portfolio of managed funds for you. The advice we provide you is about entering into the Forsyth Barr Navigator Service and the parameters of the investment mandate within that service.
  • Access to Forsyth Barr and third party research reports.

Products covered by advice

  • We only provide advice on and in relation to the Forsyth Barr Navigator Service, which is provided by Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited.
  • Forsyth Barr and third party research reports cover selected listed securities.

KiwiSaver Advisory Service

Type of advice provided

  • Choice of non-personalised or personalised advice about your KiwiSaver investment in either the Summer KiwiSaver Scheme or the Westpac KiwiSaver Scheme.
  • Access to Forsyth Barr and third party research reports.

Products covered by advice

  • Funds within either the Summer KiwiSaver Scheme or the Westpac KiwiSaver Scheme only.
  • The Summer KiwiSaver Scheme is provided by Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited. For information about the Summer KiwiSaver Scheme, including the Product Disclosure Statement, visit
  • The Westpac KiwiSaver Scheme is provided by BT Funds Management (NZ) Limited. For information about the Westpac KiwiSaver Scheme, including the Product Disclosure Statement, visit
  • Forsyth Barr and third party research reports cover selected listed securities.

Investment Advisory Service

Type of advice provided

  • Financial advice based on our assessment of the financial product(s) identified by you and the investment risk profile you select.
  • This is a limited advice service.  We do not undertake any assessment of your risk profile, and we do not take into account your financial situation or goals.  We do not monitor your investments.
  • Access to Forsyth Barr and third party research reports.

Products covered by advice

  • Shares, fixed interest investments, and managed funds where we have access to information that provides us with a reasonable basis for giving advice. Our advice under this service is not limited to financial products issued by particular issuers or product providers.
  • Forsyth Barr and third party research reports cover selected listed securities.

Investment Transaction Service

Type of advice provided

  • Access to Forsyth Barr and third party research reports.

Products covered by advice

  • Forsyth Barr and third party research reports cover selected listed securities.

Summer KiwiSaver Investment Profile Tool

Type of advice provided

  • Limited non-personalised digital advice about fund selection within the Summer KiwiSaver Scheme based on your answers to a small number of questions.

Products covered by advice

  • Funds within the Summer KiwiSaver Scheme only. 
  • The Summer KiwiSaver Scheme is provided by Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited. For more information about the Summer KiwiSaver Scheme, including the Product Disclosure Statement, visit

Fees, incentives, and conflicts of interest in relation to financial advice

When you seek financial advice, in addition to considering the fees you pay for the advice and the fees and charges that apply when you act on the advice, you may also want to consider:

  • any other payments or other benefits your financial adviser or financial advice provider, or another person connected with them, may receive in connection with giving you advice or you acting on their advice,
  • whether any fees, charges, payments or other benefits are likely to materially influence the advice you get, and
  • whether your financial adviser or financial advice provider, or another person connected with them, has any other interests likely to materially influence the advice you get.

We charge portfolio fees for some of our investment services and you will usually have to pay fees, expenses, or other amounts in relation to acting on any advice from us (such as brokerage and trade fees, and fund management and other investment management and administration services fees). In addition, in some cases, we receive payments from third parties when you act on advice from us. Generally, the bigger a portfolio or a transaction, and the more transactions done through us and the more services we provide you, the more revenue we receive. Also, many of our Investment Advisers receive remuneration from Forsyth Barr based in part on the portfolio fees, brokerage and other revenues we receive on the accounts they manage. 

These various payments create potential conflicts of interest and, as such, have the potential to influence advice provided if advice processes are not properly managed.  Forsyth Barr and our Investment Advisers follow processes, and we have oversight and controls, designed to ensure that the financial advice you receive from us is not influenced by fees, charges, payments, other benefits or other interests (see “Steps taken to manage conflicts of interest” below for more detail).


Steps taken to manage conflicts of interest

Forsyth Barr has a number of policies and procedures in place to ensure that any conflicts of interest are identified and managed and that our investors’ interests are always put first. These are:

  • disclosing the existence of conflicts of interest to investors, including in the disclosure above,
  • the Forsyth Barr Code of Conduct, which applies to all Forsyth Barr employees. The Code provides that employees must never permit their personal interests to conflict with or to appear to conflict with, the interests of investors or Forsyth Barr. All employees must make all reasonable efforts to avoid conflicts of interest and ensure that clients are fairly treated,
  • compliance by our Investment Advisers with the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services and NZX Participant Rules,
  • internal monitoring by our Compliance team to ensure that our directors and employees comply with our duties to clients and all other relevant laws and rules, and
  • regular reporting on compliance-related issues to our board.


Our complaints process

Your satisfaction is important to us. Visit our complaints information page.


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