Matthew Beilensohn

About Matthew
Matthew Beilensohn joined Forsyth Barr in 2014 and has over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry. Matthew is an Investment Adviser based in Kapiti. Prior to joining Forsyth Barr, Matthew was the Portfolio Manager for six wholesale investment funds spanning New Zealand and Australian shares, New Zealand listed property, global equity funds, fixed interest and cash.
Matthew is registered as a financial adviser and is accredited as an NZX Adviser. He holds a Bachelor of Business Studies in Finance and Enterprise Development (2003) from Massey University, and a Graduate Diploma in Business Studies (endorsed Personal Financial Planning) (2003) from Massey University.
Matthew is based out of the Kapiti office
Forsyth Barr Investment Advice Kapiti
Level 1, 127 Rimu Road
Kapiti 5032
PO Box 39, Paraparaumu 5254
Phone: +64 4 918 1111