Matthew Grace

Investment Adviser
Matthew Grace

DDI: +64 4 495 8183

Mobile: +64 21 100 9150

About Matthew

Matthew Grace joined Forsyth Barr in 2010, specialising as a Business Analyst before becoming an Investment Adviser in 2014. He has over 10 years of experience in the financial services industry, both in New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

Matthew is a registered as a financial adviser and is accredited as an NZX Adviser. He graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce (Finance and Marketing) from the University of Otago in 2003.

Matthew is based out of the Wellington office

Forsyth Barr Ltd Wellington Office
Level 22 NTT Tower
157 Lambton Quay
Wellington 6011

PO Box 5266, Wellington 6140
Phone: +64 4 499 7464