Melissa Platt, CFA

Director/ Senior Analyst, Wealth Management Research
Melissa  Platt, CFA

DDI: +64 9 368 0048

About Melissa

Melissa Platt joined Forsyth Barr in 2022 as a Director/Senior Analyst in Wealth Management Research.

Melissa has over twenty years’ experience in the financial services industry and has worked as a portfolio manager and equity analyst in London in a global, private investment management firm for over 17 years.

Melissa has a Bachelor of Applied Economics and a Bachelor of Business Studies (Hons) majoring in Financial Economics from Massey University, and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder.

Melissa is based out of the Auckland - Central office

Forsyth Barr Ltd Auckland
Level 23, Shortland & Fort
88 Shortland Street
Auckland - Central 1010

PO Box 97, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140
Phone: +64 9 368 0000