Rob Glasgow

Investment Adviser
Rob Glasgow

DDI: +64 9 918 9204

Mobile: +64 21 591 447

About Rob

Rob Glasgow joined Forsyth Barr Auckland in 2020. With over a decade of experience in the New Zealand financial services industry, and having previously held senior investment advisory roles in Private Banking, Rob provides personalised investment advice to high-net-worth individuals, family groups, and charitable Trusts.

Rob is registered as a financial adviser and is accredited as an NZX Adviser. He holds a Bachelor of Business in Accounting from AUT University (2018) and a National Certificate in Financial Services, Investment Advice (2015).

Having worked with a range of unique high-net-worth individuals, charitable Trusts, and also those gaining NZ residency under the New Zealand Government's Migrant Investor Scheme, Rob has cultivated a depth of expertise and appreciates that while the goals and objectives of each investor are distinct, the application of consistent investment principles can lead to their achievement.

Rob is based out of the Auckland - Central office

Forsyth Barr Ltd Auckland
Level 23, Shortland & Fort
88 Shortland Street
Auckland - Central 1010

PO Box 97, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140
Phone: +64 9 368 0000