Scott Ellis

Investment Adviser
Scott Ellis

DDI: +64 9 363 8719

Mobile: +64 21 199 1166

About Scott

Scott Ellis joined Forsyth Barr Auckland in 2024, having spent more than a decade in the financial services industry.

Scott is registered as a financial adviser and accredited as an NZX Adviser. He holds a Bachelor of Business degree majoring in Economics and Management.

Scott loves sports and the outdoors, having in his younger years played as a contracted cricketer in the United Kingdom. These days golf is his passion, however tee times are harder to come by in recent years as his growing sons begin their own sporting journeys.

Scott is based out of the Auckland - Central office

Forsyth Barr Ltd Auckland
Level 23, Shortland & Fort
88 Shortland Street
Auckland - Central 1010

PO Box 97, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140
Phone: +64 9 368 0000