Forsyth Barr Invercargill has moved


On Monday 9 October, Forsyth Barr Invercargill moved to new premises.


Our new location is:
Level 3,
25 Esk Street
Invercargill 9810

Our contact details remain: 
PO Box 28,
Invercargill, 9840
+64 3 218 8807

If you have any queries or would like to discuss your investment objectives in confidence please call +64 3 218 8807 to talk to one of Forsyth Barr Invercargill's Advisers, Paul Tuckey, Kathryn Ladbrook, Will Latta, Grant McDonald, Andrew Rowland, Glen Wilcox and Debbie Wills.

Forsyth Barr Invercargill has moved