Cash Management
Earn interest while you save or plan
Place your money at call for easy access enabling you to take immediate advantage of investment opportunities.
How your account works
Set up when you become a client, your Cash Management account is a convenient and flexible way for you to invest in equities or fixed interest securities. Client funds in the Cash Management service are pooled and invested on-call. With easy access to your money and the ability to earn interest on the cash in your account Cash Management is a valuable tool in managing your investments and portfolio.
At a glance
- Available for New Zealand dollars and major foreign currencies.
- Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly.
- No entry, exit, transaction or monthly account fees.
- A convenient way to settle equity or fixed interest transactions you make with Forsyth Barr.
- Cash flow management with options around lump sum or regular deposits and withdrawals.
- Quarterly statements to help you keep track of your investment.
Interest Rates
Forsyth Barr Cash Management
Effective from 13 March 2025
All rates are before tax and after fees.
New Zealand Dollars
Australian Dollars
United States Dollars
Canadian Dollars
British Pounds
All rates and rate tiers offered are subject to change. Your investment is an at call investment and there is no minimum holding period required.
Account structure
The funds in your Forsyth Barr Cash Management account are held by Forsyth Barr Cash Management Nominees Limited as bare trustee on your behalf. They are pooled with other funds held in Cash Management accounts and invested on call with a registered bank.
Funds are placed with the following registered banks:
NZD - ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited (ANZ)
AUD - ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited (ANZ)
GBP, USD, CAD, EUR - The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC)
CHF, SGD, JPY, HKD - ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited (ANZ)
We receive a management fee from Forsyth Barr Cash Management Nominees Limited for administering your Cash Management account.
Foreign exchange
When you want to transact in foreign currencies your Cash Management account has the option for you to convert New Zealand dollars into a number of international currencies. If you regularly transact in foreign currencies it might be better to hold a dedicated foreign currency account.
Dedicated foreign currency accounts are used to hold cash and transfer funds between currencies, providing a convenient way for settling your overseas transactions. Currencies include NZ dollars, Australian dollars, US dollars, British pounds, Canadian dollars and the Euro.
Become a client
Speak to an adviser near you
To find out more about a Cash Management account, speak to one of our Investment Advisers.