
Build growth potential into your investment portfolio

Use equities to access opportunities for capital gains and dividends.

Buying and selling equities

Forsyth Barr provides you access to the New Zealand and global stock markets. We are a leading market participant of the New Zealand Exchange (NZX), and through our global affiliates trade on international exchanges.


At a glance

  • Access Forsyth Barr analysis on over 65 NZX listed companies, along with global analysis via our network of affiliates.
  • Benefit from our direct links into NZX and access to international share markets.
  • Cost effective, transparent brokerage for transactions.
  • Transactions executed on your authorisation, confirmed by contract note.
  • Information at your fingertips with research reports, daily and weekly commentaries and rate sheets.

Become a client

Speak to an adviser near you

Find out more about investing in equities, speak to one of our Investment Advisers. They will take the time to understand what you want to achieve, and work out a plan that is right for you.