Forsyth Barr KiwiSaver Periodic Reporting

Disclosure statements for the Forsyth Barr KiwiSaver Scheme are here to assist you make an easy comparison between KiwiSaver Funds, as well as outlining what each Fund invests into, it’s past performance and fees charged for the year.

Forsyth Barr KiwiSaver Scheme Annual Disclosure Statements

Below are the Forsyth Barr KiwiSaver Scheme Annual Disclosure Statements. These disclosure statements are prepared in accordance with the KiwiSaver (Periodic Disclosure) Regulations 2013. These are here to assist you make an easy comparison between KiwiSaver Funds, as well as outlining what each Fund invests into, it’s past performance and fees charged for the year. 

In addition, the data files are provided for each Fund and contain the same information as the Annual Disclosure Statements as well as some additional information, including information showing the impact of lower tax rates on performance. This file is in .CSV format allowing you to save the information in your own database if you wish to.

Annual Disclosure Statements

PDF Files

CSV. Files

Forsyth Barr KiwiSaver Quarterly Disclosure Statements

Below are the Forsyth Barr KiwiSaver Scheme Quarterly Disclosure Statements for the period June 2016.

Quarterly Disclosure Statements

PDF Files

CSV Files