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Administration and Reporting Service

Portfolio administration and reporting made simple

The process of personally managing a diverse portfolio of securities is time-consuming and complex. The Forsyth Barr Investment Administration and Reporting Service (IARS) provides a simple, comprehensive and cost-effective solution.

Forsyth Barr Investment Administration and Reporting Service (IARS)

Recognising that managing even a simple portfolio can take considerable time, and that meeting reporting requirements can be both a burden and a risk for investors, IARS offers four key benefits:

  1. Reporting for tax purposes
    IARS clients receive an Annual Income Report detailing income received during the year along with associated imputation credits and withholding tax, as well as Foreign Investment Fund (FIF) and Financial Arrangement calculations, where relevant.

  2. Managing corporate actions
    For securities held in custody, Forsyth Barr will summarise all relevant corporate actions for you and, on instruction, act on your behalf.

  3. Transacting in international securities
    Recent international regulation changes have made it very difficult, and costly, to hold international securities in your own name. The IARS service enables cost effective and efficient transacting for international securities held in custody, helping you avoid prohibitive transaction fees, challenges in transacting in a timely fashion and difficulties receiving dividends.

  4. Consolidated portfolio view
    Clients may choose to have International and New Zealand securities (including Fixed Interest) held in custody within IARS. Cash Management and ledger balances are also captured in IARS reporting. This consolidated portfolio view informs better investment decision-making.

Accessing IARS

Private Portfolio Management (PPM) and Premium Advisory Service (PAS) clients receive the IARS service at no charge.

Investment Advisory Service (IAS) and Investment Transaction Service (ITS) clients can elect to receive the IARS service – they are able to choose which assets are administered within IARS i.e. International and New Zealand securities (including Fixed Interest). For the greatest administration and reporting efficiency and value, we recommend that clients hold all qualifying assets within IARS.


Importantly, for Forsyth Barr to transact in international securities on your behalf it is necessary to do so through IARS.