Build your own portfolio
Premium Advisory Service
Get the advice you need from us to build your own portfolio while, we handle the transactions, monitoring, and reporting.

Service overview
Partner with a trusted adviser
Work with your Investment Adviser to create a personalised investment portfolio. Your adviser will provide you with personalised advice and recommendations based on your agreed investment profile and investment objectives. Active monitoring and scheduled updates will keep you well informed, while regular drawings or lump sum payments can be easily arranged as required.
As involved as you choose
This service works well for people who wish to take an active hand in managing their investments. If you’re preparing for retirement, or have capital requiring investment, this service provides you guidance and advice to support your investment strategy, while you retain an active role in decision-making.
Access high-quality research
Our award-winning research will provide you with insight into key events and market movements across equity, fixed interest and investment strategy research, along with daily and weekly market summaries and economic updates.
A range of digital services
Keep track of your investments from either your mobile or desktop. View your portfolio and key reporting, and monitor financial news and market movement, as well as accessing Forsyth Barr’s award-winning research.
Included in this service
The Premium Advisory Service provides you an Investment Adviser delivering you personalised advice, including opinions and recommendations on transacting in markets and securities, and a team to manage transactions on your behalf and deliver you comprehensive portfolio administration and reporting.
You can read more detailed information in our PAS brochure, Investment brochure, Scope of service and Service disclosure statement or view useful information to help you choose a financial advice service.
Talk to us
Our Investment Advisers can talk you through the benefits of each of our range of investment services, and help you decide which best suits you.