Protecting yourself from financial scams and fraud

The recent increase in attempted financial scams is a concern for everyone. Detailed below are some important steps that we encourage our clients to follow to ensure they remain safe.

  1. Always check a link before you click on it. You can do this by hovering over a link or email address with your mouse. Forsyth Barr will only ever email you using a email address.
  2. If you have any doubts about a person calling you, just hang up. If you need to, confirm the official phone number of the company that the person calling is claiming to be from and call them back. All Forsyth Barr staff members can be contacted on 0800 367227.
  3. Be suspicious of any urgent request, or one that places pressure on you to respond in a very specific way, or to make a payment using an unusual method or currency.
  4. Ignore any request to download software onto your computer or device.
  5. No reputable organisation will ever ask for your password or personal details over the phone or by email or text message. Forsyth Barr will never ask you for your credit card details.

Your Investment Adviser is also able to speak to you about the measures we have in place to ensure that your investments with Forsyth Barr are secure and protected. They can provide you with an overview of our custodial services, and the important protections these provide for your assets. also has some excellent resources available here, including some valuable tips on how to protect yourself, and its Little Book of Scams guide.

If you have any concerns at all regarding a contact from Forsyth Barr, we encourage you to speak with your Investment Adviser. All Forsyth Barr staff can be contacted on 0800 367227.